Monday, October 12, 2009

So this past weekend My rooma mate's, Josh and I all went dancing! Casey (kami's husband) his friends threw a party so we went and it was SO much fun!! We decided to dress crazy and umm...the pants Josh is wearing..are MINE! Yep..he's a size 4!! Hahahha!!! So yeah we had a BLAST and my room mate's are awesome! The have the coolest craziest clothes and it's so fun getting dressed up with the...cause it gets CRAZY!! So yeah Josh was a good sport with the pink pants and putting up with our crazyness!!



the fact that those pants are YOURS just made this post the BEST ever!

Mendel Family said...

I can't believe he fit in your pants!!

Brandon and Cari (Sellers) Murdock said...

what, i thought all of his jeans were from the misses department! ;) now, all he's missing is some nice dark guyliner. ha ha! sorry, josh-u-AH. couldn't help myself. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like it was fun! Too bad Josh hates it when you kiss him! lol